
AFL Gippsland CCSP Policies

AFL Victoria has developed the Community Club Sustainability Program (CCSP) which includes tools to educate administrators, and particular players, about the impact that match payments and player demands have on the viability of grassroots clubs.

Designed in conjunction with the Player Points System, the Player Payment Framework has been developed to support and grow Australian Football at a community level by focussing on achieving evenly matched competitions and financially viable clubs.

Please see below links for each part of the Community Club Sustainability Program. Additionally, an information session on the CCSP was held in March 2024 which is available on YouTube below.

Player Points System

Player Payment Framework

Additional CCSP Links

AFL Gippsland CCSP By-Laws

AFL Victoria CCSP Website resources

CCSP Club Toolkit

CCSP Region Toolkit

PlayHQ Community Document Portal

Documents Portal Help Site

CCSP Webinar

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